Strengthening microbusinesses as an engine of economic recovery and vocational training strategy




microbusinesses, strengthening microbusinesses, university education


The following work exposes the reconstruction of the process lived under the program “Comprehensive support for the reactivation of microbusinesses” in the city of Pasto, whose main results obtained were a) comprehensive training of the linked students, b) the work of the owners of microbusinesses, and c) the articulation of the three substantive functions of the higher education institution where it was carried out. The objective of this dissertation is to analyze in an orderly manner the results obtained in the process described above, based on which, it is possible to identify lessons learned, improvement actions and how the benefits generated could be further optimized. The methodology used is the systematization of experiences, where the steps of information recovery, re-contextualization, textualization, analysis and re-information allow a broader vision of the experience, this point being where the main result is found. obtained, which it is desired to share with the academic community to understand that from an educational action it is possible to obtain multiple benefits. The main conclusion of the process is to recognize that the small productive units that make up the organizational fabric of society, such as micro-businesses, need research management and accompaniment from the academy, not only to diagnose their problems but to build solutions. that allow them to be more profitable and productive, in this scenario, there are multiple opportunities.



How to Cite

Jurado Paz, I. M. (2023). Strengthening microbusinesses as an engine of economic recovery and vocational training strategy. Multidisciplinary Business Review, 16(2), 89-`105.


